S:AAB Fan-Fic Specials

On this page you can find specialities which were either written for fun on the saabfanfic-l or were written for special seasons and events.

- the series - ever wondered what the invented characters of the writers look like? Here is the answer.

The Round2 Episodes
- These stories were written for the Round2 Project - like the now defunct Round Robin the Round2 members write episodes to continue season two of S:AAB.

Christmas Holiday Special
- Stories written for Christmas

The SAABFanFic-List 500 word challenge

It all started with RiverRat posting this:
Say I were to issue a story challenge to write a 500-word short-short beginning with Hawkes and Vansen in the officer's mess.

So far four ppl have taken up the challenge and wrote 500 words :)

  • RiverRat's 500 word challenge
  • Jessi Albano's 500 word challenge
  • Wiena Rijstenberg's 500 word challenge
  • Carol 'Hondo' Burgess' 500 word challenge

    March 2003 - MAIL CALL CHALLENGE
    Challenge #1 by Marle A
    Awakened Past Christa Bower
    Heffalumps And Woozles by Geek
    He Wears A Pair Of Golden Wings by Phyllis Christie
    1000 Words Challenge Dear Earth by Daydream Believer
