Rating: NC-17 This story contains sex - don't say you didn't know! Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "SPACE: Above and Beyond" are the creations of Glen Morgan and James Wong, Fox Broadcasting and Hard Eight Productions, and have been used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended. Dylan Mackenzie belongs to me.

Once again - MANY THANKS to Karen, she's the bestest beta ever, and Vasalysa - who showed me the dark side!

Comments are always welcome at Geek

Chapter 3

Moira let herself in by the back door. It was only 7am, but she knew Dill and the boys would be up. Surprised at finding no signs of life, she went from the kitchen to the living room, missing the clothing by the sofa. She headed for the boy's room first, but seeing their cots empty, she went to Dill's room. Still not hearing anything, she opened the door.

The sight that greeted her made her anything but happy. Dill and Ty were fast asleep. Ty was on his back with Dill snuggled up to him, while Cameron slept snuggled on his chest, held firmly in place by his father's arm. Hamish slept snuggled into his mother, his mouth still firmly wrapped around her nipple. Moira closed the door carefully and stalked away, furious that once again her daughter had neglected to tell her that her damned tank was coming to visit.

Searching the kitchen for a pen and paper to leave a note, she looked up as McQueen came into the kitchen wearing just a pair of black sweatpants, pulling a t-shirt over his head. He smiled at her despite the look she gave him.

"Good morning." he said, reaching for the kettle. As he filled it, he turned to her. "Coffee?"

"No thank you. I was just leaving!" she snapped.

"You're here early." he said, putting the kettle on to boil and rummaging for cups.

Watching him search the cupboards, she scowled. He doesn't belong here, she thought. He doesn't even know where anything is. Moira stepped forward.

"Here, let me do that." she said coldly. "I was going to leave Dylan a note." she told him as she found the mugs. "Coffee's in the fridge, coffee pot in the cupboard behind you."

As he turned to fetch the coffee and the pot he told her, "I heard you closing the door. It must have given you quite a surprise seeing me with Dill and the boys."

"She really shouldn't let the boys sleep in the bed with her. She'll get them into bad habits." Moira said, sitting down at the table.

McQueen stood, arms folded across his chest, leaning back onto the counter. She glanced at him. He has no right to be so relaxed in Dill's house, she thought, mentally cursing him and wishing him away. So busy was she with her own thoughts, his words barely registered on her.

"That's my fault. When Hamish woke up wanting to be fed, I brought both of them into bed with us. I want to spend as much time with them as I can while I'm here. So I'm sorry, Mrs Mackenzie, but you'll just have to indulge me while I'm here."

"Moira." she snapped. "My name is Moira. You don't need to keep calling me Mrs Mackenzie - you are married to my daughter, after all."

McQueen smiled to himself as he made the coffee with the now boiled kettle. "Are you sure you wouldn't like some coffee…Moira?"

She sighed, realizing it was ridiculous to continue refusing when it was ready. "Yes, thank you. I'll have a cup - black, no sugar."

"That's another thing we have in common, aside from Dill." he chuckled, enjoying the fact that she seemed uncomfortable. "We like our coffee the same way. If I'm going to call you Moira, you'd better call me TC. I think Dill's getting fed up with hearing me called 'that damn tank' all the time." He sat at the table, passing Moira her coffee.

Moira sat and stared at him. Despite the 'blank tank' look he gave her, she could see laughter in his eyes. "Damn you to hell and back, McQueen." she spat. "Why couldn't you leave her alone? Why did you pick on Dill? Look what you've done to her!"

He looked surprised. "What have I done to her? I fell in love with her, hard as that is for you to understand. But it's true. And she fell for me. We had two great kids, and we got married. Ok - maybe it should have been the other way around, but we weren't expecting the boys to come along. I don't see how that qualifies as picking on her, because quite frankly, Moira, Dill has been a willing participant in the whole affair." He stopped to sip his coffee.

"I wanted more for my daughter - a real career, not just marriage and children. I wanted her to show everyone that being a tank brat doesn't hinder you… doesn't mean you can't go far in your chosen profession." Moira said, staring at the coffee mug in her hand. "Now look at her. Stuck with two tank brats of her own… she'll never go any further in her career."

Putting his coffee down, he leaned back in the chair. "What career was that Moira? Because frankly, all she ever did was work with the pre-schoolers here. And there's nothing stopping her doing that now. Hell, she could do that anywhere." Ty saw the look that crossed her face at his words. "That's what this is all about, isn't it? The fact that I might take her away from here. That's it, isn't it? That's what you're holding against me. It's not just the fact that I'm a tank, is it?"

Moira sighed. "Yes. Are you happy now? That's what you wanted to hear, isn't it? Yes, I don't want you taking her or the boys away. And the fact that you're a tank irritates the hell out of me." She stared him straight in the eye. "To be honest, I thought you'd run a mile when you found she was pregnant. I could see the same thing happening to her that happened to me, and I didn't want that for my daughter. But you didn't run away. You married her." She gave him a small smile. "I should thank you for that at least, and for the boys. They truly are a delight. You should be proud - you have two beautiful sons."

"And a beautiful wife that I love very much." he smiled back. "You know, the first time I came here, I asked Dill to move to Loxley. But she refused. I respected her for that. I still do." McQueen shifted in his seat. "But assuming I survive this war…" he faltered at the startled look on her face. "Which I intend to do my damnest to make sure I do, by the way. But I'm a soldier. That's all I know how to be. I'll still be a Marine. And no doubt, as a married one, I'll be assigned a job at a base somewhere. I know you won't like it, but I will want my family with me. I'm sorry Moira, but that's how it has to be. Of course, there's nothing I can do about being a tank." He grinned at her.

Moira sighed. "I know that…TC. But I don't have to like it. You being a tank, or the fact that you'll be taking my family away from me." Again, she gave him a small smile. "I'll just have content myself with the knowledge that you love them as much, if not more, than I do."

He reached across the table and touched her hand. "Rest assured, I'll take good care of them. I swear." ,p> "I know you will…"

She was interrupted by the arrival of her two young grandsons, bursting through the door. Unsure who he wanted to go to first, Hamish sat himself down and began to wail. Cameron headed straight for his father, lifting his arms up to be picked up.

"Well, we can see just who's a daddy's boy, can't we?" Moira laughed as McQueen scooped his son up onto his lap. "Come to grandma, Hamish." she called, holding her hands out to him.

"Guess what, mother?" Dill said, following the boys into the kitchen. She laughed, seeing McQueen's nose twitch. "Ooh, he's a stinky, alright. I thought I'd leave that for you. I mean, you have months of stinkies to catch up on! Mother, Cameron said his first word yesterday. He took one look at this handsome hunk here," she gave McQueen a kiss and turned to her mother, "and said 'Daddy'. Isn't that great!"

Moira laughed out loud as McQueen blushed, embarrassed at being kissed in front of her. He rose to his feet, Cameron in his arms. "If you ladies will excuse us, I believe this young man and I have a mission to attend to."

"And after him, you can do Hamish too." Dill called him.

"What am I, your personal slave?" he griped with a smile. "All I've done since I got here is change nappies, feed them, bath them and put them to bed!"

"Excuse me, Colonel sir! What do you think I've been doing this past year? You have months of catching up to do, especially with the stinkies. Go on, get your behind out of here, or there's no dessert for you tonight!" Dill slapped his behind as he passed her. "That's it - know your place, man!" she laughed.

Moira stood. "I think I'll go. I don't want to get in your way. Dylan, would you pop over later? There's something I'd like to talk to you about." At Dill's nod, she smiled. "Good. Bye-bye, Hamish." she said, handing him to his mother. "Goodbye, TC." she called.

"Goodbye, Moira!" came his voice from the boy's room.

Dill raised her eyebrows. "Mother! You're being civil to him…are you sure you're not ill?"

"We've come to an understanding…I think." her mother said, before disappearing through the back door.

"Ty, what have you done with my mother?" Dill called. "Because that was definitely not her!"

Coming back into the room and handing her Cameron, he chuckled. "That's between me and her. Now give me the other stinky boy. I'm ready for him. After this, Chig spooge is nothing!"

Helping him get the boys strapped into their car seats, Dill asked, "Are you sure you know what you're doing? You have the list? Remember to get a trolley with two seats, and don't let Hamish out of it - he moves so fast he'll be gone before you realise it."

Grinning, McQueen turned to her. Pulling her in for a kiss, he laughed. "Yes, I have the list, and no ma'am, I won't let him out of the trolley. Relax Dill. If I can deal with Hawkes, how difficult can grocery shopping with these two be? Go on, you'll be late. We'll see you at lunchtime."

"I'm sorry I have to work today. If I'd known you were coming, I could have arranged things. But I'll do that today. Are you sure about doing this? You hate shopping, Ty. I could go later."

"I'm sure between us, the boys and I will manage." Ty laughed. "It makes sense for us to go now. You're busy this morning, and we can go see your father after lunch. He can't wait to see the boys. Now go, we'll see you later." He kissed her soundly, enjoying the way she melted into his arms. Climbing into her car, told her, "You know, your mother's choice of number plates… she does have a sense of humour."

Dill laughed as he drove away, watching the black Range Rover, with it's 'MCQ X 4' plate, as it headed out of sight.

His first hurdle came in getting both boys out of the car without one of them wandering off while he unstrapped the other. Having managed that, he then had to keep them under control while he found a shopping cart and got them into it. Cameron, of course, sat placidly watching, while his brother pitched a fit, screaming and keeping his body rigid. McQueen began to wonder how he was going to get him in without breaking something. He finally settled for allowing Hamish to stand in the cart, hoping that once he'd calmed down he could get him in the seat. Now feeling highly self-conscious, and aware that he was being stared at by the mainly female shoppers, he rummaged in his pocket for the list Dill had given him.

"Okay, boys, mom has fruit top of the list. So what fruit do you want?" he asked, as they approached the display. McQueen made his selection, smiling broadly as he placed 3 cartons of raspberries in the cart. "Those are for mommy, guys, so hands off."

As he wandered around the store collecting the things on his list, Ty found that he was enjoying himself immensely. No matter what he said to the boys, they laughed at him. Hamish was announcing to the world, and to every little old lady that he saw, that this was daddy, which got him endless smiles from the other shoppers.

Cameron, meanwhile, was amusing himself by eating the French bread McQueen had placed too close to him. "Hey, little guy, don't eat all the bread. Mommy will kill me if you don't eat your lunch!" Ty laughed.

Cameron just grinned at him, his mouth full, offering him the remains of his handful of bread. "For me? No thanks, buddy, I already ate." McQueen smiled, looking at the crushed up crumbs in the chubby hand.

Cameron's face fell and his lip trembled. Panicked at the thought that now Cameron was going to start screaming, Ty relented. "You know what? Suddenly I'm starved." he said, reaching to take the crumbs. Cameron, however, had other ideas, and Ty found himself standing there for several minutes while Cameron fed him with crumb after crumb, a bit at a time. Cameron, having finally finished, gave him a huge smile. Unable to resist, McQueen found himself kissing both boys and tickling them until they were chuckling loudly. "God, I'm so lucky to have you two." he told them. He jumped as a voice spoke behind him.

"Oh, look at you, with two such lovely wee ones." It was a little grey-haired old lady, smiling up at him. "And the image of you, they are. I've watched you doing your shopping, young man. I think they're two very lucky boys to have such a fine father. Now get along with you and finish your shopping."

He stared at her, feeling himself blushing as she turned and walked away. He'd not thought about how he must look, talking to the boys as he shopped. And hell… had she watched Cameron feeding him that bread? He grabbed the cart and headed for the next thing on his list.

Turning into the aisle, he stopped and stared. "I am so glad mommy wrote exactly what brand of diapers to buy. Did you guys know there were so many different types? I sure as hell didn't!"

Parking the cart and the boys, he wandered up and down, trying to find the brand Dylan had written on the list. Finally having found them, he returned to the cart to find that Hamish was thoroughly enjoying himself rubbing the raspberries into Cameron's hair.

"Hamish! What in the hell are you doing?" he yelled, making both boys jump. They took one look at his face and both began to wail. Sighing to himself, he picked Hamish up and sat him properly in the seat, wiped Cameron's face with his sleeve, and headed for the checkout. All of a sudden shopping wasn't so much fun anymore.

McQueen gave the checkout girl an icy glare as she opened her mouth to comment on the state of Cameron. His blonde hair now was bright red in places, complete with raspberry pulp in his ears. Thinking better of it, she left him to pack in peace… or as peaceful as it was going to get with both boys howling their heads off.

By the time he'd reached the car, unpacked the shopping, and strapped both boys in, Ty was ready for a stiff drink. Climbing into the car, he rummaged in the bag Dill had given him. He found the two beakers and a biscuit for each of the boys, telling himself that next time he'd make sure he packed some for himself. He felt like he needed emergency rations too. Handing the food and drink to the screaming boys had the result he'd hoped for. Ty sat back in his seat with a sigh as both boys immediately began to eat their biscuits. How on earth did Dill cope, he wondered. His admiration for her was immense.

Glancing in the mirror, he ruefully looked at Cameron's hair. "Ok, buddy, it's in the bath for you when we get back."

After her morning at the pre-school, Dylan was ready for the cup of tea her mother placed in front of her. "Ok, mother, what was it you wanted to talk to me about this morning?" she asked. "I don't have long. Ty promised to make lunch, and we're going out this afternoon."

"It's about your grandfather. You know that he left you a trust fund?" At Dill's nod, she carried on. "Well, you don't get it until you're 30. But I think you need to know that when you do get it…" Moira paused awkwardly, and paced the room, not looking at Dill sitting on the sofa.

"When I get it, what, mother?" Dill asked, looking at her watch. She was hungry, and for more than just lunch.

"After the war, the likelihood is that as a married officer, TC will get a posting to a base somewhere." her mother said in a rush. Ignoring Dill's surprised look, she hurried on. "He'll want you to take the boys and go to him. He's told me so himself. You need to know…." Moira took a deep breath. "Your grandfather's money will mean you won't have to live on base in officer's quarters. You'll be able to afford to buy yourselves a home somewhere - somewhere very nice."

"Mother! Are you telling me grandfather left me a lot of money?" Dill asked, confused.

"Dylan, how do you think I financed this place? Who do you think financed it? Your grandfather was furious that I'd gotten myself pregnant. And by a tank, especially. He told me never to darken his door again." Her mother sighed. "And then you were born. He sent me a cheque, to start this place, and told me he'd started you a trust fund. He couldn't bear the thought of his granddaughter going without anything she might need. He financed this whole place, and continues to do so through the money he left me when he died."

"So grandpa Mackenzie was a rich man?" Dill asked.

"Rich?" Moira laughed. "Oh, Dylan, you have no idea! Grandpa Mackenzie made whiskey. There'll always be demand for that, especially in times of war. Mackenzies have been distilling since the 1800's. Your trust fund runs well into six figures. With interest alone, it'll be seven figures by the time you turn 30. Should TC decide he wants to leave the military, he wouldn't need to work again."

Dylan sat back in the sofa, taking in her mother's words. "Why are you telling me this? Why now? I don't get the money until I turn 30 - that's 2 years away. So why tell me this now?"

"I just thought you should know." Moira said, finally sitting down.

Dylan looked thoughtful. "You want me to persuade him to come here after the war's over, don't you? You want us to carry on living here." She stared at her mother. "I can't do that, mother. Ty is a marine, with a capital M. It's his life - it's what he knows how to be. I couldn't expect him to stop being who he is, just to please you. I'm sorry mother, but I won't do that to him." Her daughter stood. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm hoping he'll have made me some lunch. I'm starving."

As she turned and walked from the room, her mother called, "Think about it, Dylan. That's all I'm asking - think about it!"

Opening the back door, Dill groaned at the sight that greeted her. Instead of a lovely lunch waiting for her, the kitchen was a mess. Pans, bowls and plates were strewn across the counter, while breadcrumbs crunched under her feet as she walked. She could faintly hear Ty's voice and headed in that direction, not happy at all. Dill paused when she realised he was in the boys room…and her bad mood evaporated when she realised he was softly singing to them. Knowing that he would be embarrassed if he knew she was there, she quietly headed back to the kitchen and began clearing up.

A little while later he joined her there, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist, nuzzling her neck as she washed the dishes. "I was hoping to do that before you got back. Sorry." he whispered, gently kissing her neck. "The boys are asleep. They've had lunch and a bath."

"A bath?" she asked, leaning back into his arms.

"I bought you some raspberries. Cream too…but Hamish decided they'd look better on Cameron. I've washed his hair, but it's still pink in places." Ty smiled, turning her around to face him. "I wanted to surprise you." he blushed. "I wanted to be your trifle."

"Except now Cameron's wearing it." she laughed. "You know I don't need raspberries for you to be my trifle." she sighed. "Let's get this place cleaned up, and have some lunch... you may not be, but I'm famished. I could eat a horse, and his jockey too!" Dill grinned at him. "And if the boys are still asleep afterwards, well… maybe we'll get dessert, too."

Ty smiled broadly. "I made us a salad for lunch. Is that ok? It's in the fridge keeping cool. It won't take long to eat."

"Well, don't just stand there then grinning like a fool then - grab a broom and sweep this floor. Where did all these crumbs come from?" she asked, turning back to finish the dishes in the sink.

"That'd be Cameron. He ate the top of the French Bread while we were still shopping." Ty told her, taking a broom out of the cupboard and starting to sweep. "And Hamish screamed when I tried to sit him in the cart. I had to let him stand in it instead - that's how Cameron ended up with pink hair. Hamish found the raspberries while I was finding the diapers." McQueen laughed, shaking his head. "And to think a little old lady complimented me on what fine sons I have."

"Ty." Dill started hesitantly. Having finished the dishes, she turned to face him. "My mother wanted to talk to me… that's why I'm late for lunch."

"I know." he told her, not liking the frown on her face. "What's up now?

"Well, she was telling me about the trust fund my grandfather set up for me." Dill hurried on, wanting to get it over with quickly. "It turns out that he was a very rich man. Ty, she wants us to carry on living here after the war's over. She said there'd be enough money for you not to have to work - that you could leave the military." At the look on his face, she continued. "I told her that I wouldn't ask you to do that. You're a soldier. I knew that when I met you… I know it still. Ty, whatever you want to do after this war is fine by me. I'll happily bring the boys to Loxley, or wherever, to be with you. Of course, then they'll grow up with the wrong accent… but I guess there's a cloud in every sky!" she added with a grin.

"I couldn't do that, Dill. I couldn't live off you for the rest of my life." McQueen stopped sweeping and leaned on the broom, a frown on his face. "I am a soldier, Dill. You're right. It's all I know how to be… well, that and mining. But I sure as hell am not going back to that!"

"I would never ask you to. Just like I would never ask you to leave the Corps. It's your life, it comes first. I KNOW that, Ty, and I don't expect anything different. Anyway, I want the boys to be proud of you." Dill walked over to him, and kissed him. "So I expect you to retire at a ripe old age, a General, at the very least!"

Ty grinned. "Can you imagine that? A tank General! Somehow, I don't see it." he sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if I'll even make a full Colonel."

"You will, my love, you will." Dylan told him. "Hell, the buggers should have done it after you lost your leg. When they do, the boys and I are going to be so proud of you. Now come on, let's get finished here so we can eat." With a wink, she added, "And have a little fun."

They finished tidying up. McQueen retrieved the salad he'd made and they sat and ate peaceably together, until Dill, having kicked her shoes off, began to run her foot up and down his leg under the table. Retaliating, he kicked his shoes off and did the same to her. Only his foot crept up to her thigh, and further, making her squirm as she ate.

"Tyrus McQueen! You are a bad, bad man." Dill laughed.

"Hey, you started it!" he chuckled, doing it again.

Fidgeting in her seat, Dylan protested, "I only ran my foot up to your knee!"

"Only because your legs can't reach any higher!" he laughed. "If you had longer legs, you would have."

"Damn you, McQueen! Why do you have to be right all the time?" she giggled.

"Me? Why do I have to be right all the time? Well, if that isn't the pot calling the kettle!" he exclaimed with a laugh.

"Are you calling me bossy? Are you saying I'm a bossy boots?" Dill tried to sound indignant, but her giggling wasn't helping.

"Would I say that? Never! Who had me feeding and bathing babies before I'd even been here more than a couple of hours? It's been an endless round of 'Here, Ty, he's stinky - change his diaper', or 'Give the boys their food, Ty', not forgetting 'Oh, Ty, you can give them a bath for me'." he laughed. "So you tell me who's the bossy boots."

"Oh, be quiet, smart arse!" she giggled. "Are you finished? Because I'm ready for dessert." The look she gave him let him know that he was dessert.

"Yes I'm finished." he told her. "Let me check on the boys. We don't want to disturb them, do we?" he smirked.

"Well, if you wouldn't make so much noise!" Dill giggled again.

McQueen looked at her, astounded. "Me? It's you, girl, who makes the noise!"

"Well, you make me make noise." she responded, as they headed towards the bedroom. Ty stopped to look in on the boys and close their bedroom door. "You know, you really are a natural. They love you to bits already, and really, they only just met you yesterday." Dill told him.

"Well, you know I thought I'd never have any." he whispered, backing her into their bedroom. "I consider myself the luckiest man on earth to have them."

"God, Ty, I want you so much." Dylan whispered, her hands reaching out to pull him down onto the bed with her. "Stop talking and make love to me. It's been far too long."

"Since last night?" he chuckled, his hands sliding under her shirt gently tracing circles on her stomach, as he lay on the bed next to her.

"You know what I mean." she gasped, as his fingers found their way up to her breasts. "What do you want me to do, beg?"

"Well, now you mention it…" he whispered, as he slowly undid her shirt buttons. Kissing her stomach and breasts, he started to push the shirt off her.

Unable to wait, Dill took matters into her own hands. Sitting up, she pushed him onto his back and straddled his thighs. She shrugged off her shirt and reached around to undo her bra, watching his face as he focussed on her breasts. "So, flyboy, you like what you see?" At his nod, she lowered herself until her breasts were in his face. "Better?"

"Oh, yes." he groaned, lifting his head to suck a nipple into his mouth. He reached up to pull her close to him, his arms around her back, gently massaging her shoulders as he suckled on her.

"For someone who had to be persuaded to do that in the first place, you sure do like it." she moaned, the intensity of his mouth on her making her shudder, causing her to grind her hips onto his crotch. She could feel his arousal through his jeans.

"Oh god, Dill." he moaned, releasing her nipple. "I think I'm going to be begging you in a minute." He smiled at her. "And yes, I do love sucking your breast. It tastes so damn good."

Kissing him, her hands began to work their way down his body to his pants, undoing the button and slowly releasing the zipper. Gently, she eased her hand inside, taking his hardening cock in one hand, very gently pumping him, as her other hand tugged his clothes down his thighs. He surrendered to her hands, his need too great to do anything else. He unbuttoned his shirt, allowing her access to his chest. Dill broke the kiss so she could instead kiss and lick her way down to his thighs. Pulling his jeans and underwear completely off, she kissed her way back up his leg to his prominent erection.

As she took him into her mouth, he almost bucked off the bed. Her hands held him down as she increased her pace, sucking him hard. Gently sucking on his tip, she licked him lightly before again sucking him hard, her teeth gently scraping on his flesh. Unable to hold himself back, he reached for her. Pulling her up to him, he clamped his mouth on hers, savagely forced his tongue into her mouth and flipping them over, so that she was underneath him.

Drawing a breath, he grinned at her. "I bought something else, too." Reaching over to the bedside table, he showed her the condoms he'd bought. "I guess we need to be careful."

Taking them from his hand, Dill threw the pack across the room. "Not right now, we don't. Now, are you just gonna lay there, or are you going to make love to me, like a good husband should?"

Needing no more encouragement, he slid himself inside her and began to thrust, even as her legs wrapped around him and her hips came up to meet him. Bending his head, he once again took her breast into his mouth, licking across her nipple. He gently blew on it to bring it to hardness, causing her to moan each time he did it, before his mouth once again completely engulfed it, sucking hard.

Her hands gripped his shoulders. Ty could feel her fingers digging into his flesh as she writhed underneath him from the sensation he caused. He could hear her moaning his name as he pumped harder into her. Feeling her body begin to shudder, he slid a hand down to her clit, making her gasp loudly as it pushed her over the edge and her orgasm hit, her body jerking and shaking with the force of it. Her muscles tightening around him, and the feel of her hot fluids brought him to the edge, and with a final thrust, he collapsed on top of her, gasping for breath.

They lay for a moment or two, their damp heads next to each other, before he managed to gather the strength to roll off her. Wrapping her in his arms, he pulled the covers over them and kissed her forehead softly. "I'm sorry, Dill - that was fast and furious. I wanted us to take our time." he whispered.

"It's been 9 months, Ty. Of course it's going to be like that for a while. But that's ok, we'll calm down." she answered with a chuckle.

"I guess so." he sighed. "But Dill, why did you throw the condoms away? What if you got pregnant again?"

"Would it be the end of the world?" she whispered.

Ty lay there silently for a moment, and then asked, "You want more children?"

She could feel the tenseness in his body. "Well, if it happened, I'd be happy. I'd like to have lots of babies for you Ty,… and you did say you found me sexy when I was pregnant."

"Dill, I don't know if that's a good idea. We have the boys, do we really need any more?" he asked hesitantly, his mind filling with images of rose covered cottages and hordes of kids.

She looked up at him. "You don't want any more, is that what you're telling me?"

"I don't know, Dill." Ty looked at her, and she saw fear in his eyes. "What if I can't love them all?"

She hugged him tight. "Oh, you foolish man. Of course you can! You love the boys, don't you? And Me? And Glen? And the 58th? There's always room for more love in your heart. Look, let's just wait and see, shall we? After all, it might not happen. But I would truly like to have more children with you, Ty. If you want to, too."

He sighed. How could he honestly deny her? After all, he was hardly here. All she had was the boys. Maybe she was right. Maybe he did have more room in his heart than he realised. He kissed her hair. "Fine. If it happens, it happens. If not… well, then we have the boys."

"Oh, Ty, I love you so much, it hurts." Dill sighed, snuggling up to his chest.

"Mmmmm." he whispered. "Me too, Dill. Me too."

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